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DATTATRAYA MAHARAJ KALAMBE JAOLI SAHAKARI BANK LTD. has put its best endeavors to prevent the introduction of viruses, worms or other destructive material on this website. However, DATTATRAYA MAHARAJ KALAMBE JAOLI SAHAKARI BANK LTD. does not guarantee or warrant that this website or the material that may be downloaded from this website may not contain any such destructive material. DATTATRAYA MAHARAJ KALAMBE JAOLI SAHAKARI BANK LTD. shall not be liable for any harm or damages which may be caused due to such destructive material present in this website.
DATTATRAYA MAHARAJ KALAMBE JAOLI SAHAKARI BANK LTD has taken all steps to protect the customer information & that credit will be effected based solely on the beneficiary account number information and the beneficiary name particulars will not be used therefore. However DATTATRAYA MAHARAJ KALAMBE JAOLI SAHAKARI BANK LTD shall not be liable or responsible and expressly disclaims any liability arising on account of information passing through unauthorised access of the website or otherwise.