(Note: Interest Rtaes Revised in the 2 Buckets i.e.180 Days onwards to 365 days only)
Presently Bank also offer Non-Callable Bulk Deposit “JAOLI SARVOTTAM DEPOSIT SCHEME FOR THE TENURE OF 1 Year & 2 Years with the ATTRACTIVE INTEREST RATES i.e. @ 7.10% p.a. (annualized yield 7.29%) to the General Public and 7.40% p.a. (annualized yield 7.61%) to Co-operative societies, Senior Citizens (Age 60 & above), Bank’s Staff / Ex-Staff Members for the tenure of 1 year & @7.60% p.a. (Annualized yield 7.82%) a to the General Public and 7.90% p.a. (annualized yield 8.14%) to Co-Operative Societies, Senior Citizens (Age 60 & above), Bank’s Staff/Ex-Staff Members for the Tenure of 2 years.
Both the above said Scheme will be valid till 30 th September, 2024.
“Branches are hereby advised to market the above stated Revised Interest Rates on Term Deposits and endeavor to mobilize maximum deposits from the specified categories.